Saturday, January 19, 2019

Words of Wisdom, Pearls for life

Have been attending Yoga for the past 1.5 months. Bodily flexibility and mental calmness are the ones I am deriving from these sessions. I look forward to them and I can feel the silence the sessions bring into me.
Meera – the Yoga Guru – not only teaches yoga for the body, but also preaches the way of life for the mind.
I have tried penning down her words spoken during one of our sessions but I am sure I did not do justice to them.
But yet, doing this with due respects to my Guru…

Getting affected by others
Why do we allow other’s words, criticism to affect us?
Why  do we allow other’s jealousy, bitterness shake our peace?
But first, let us understand why the other’s do it.
Everyone is at her/his stage of maturity. Age, only to a certain extent is directly proportional to maturity. In most cases, it has no relationship. With their current states, they do feel happy when they spew out words of jealousy, anger and bitterness towards the others. But, little do they realize that this sort of happiness is short-lived – it wanes away very soon – maybe in a few moments. This is because when you hurt someone, the hurt comes hurtling back to you, multifold.
When we allow other’s words of anger/jealousy and bitterness to affect you, you are always like a doll with a shaking head – “thalaiyaati bombai”, a turbulent ship.
Should we allow this to happen to us?

So, what do we do about it?
• Listen but don’t get affected
• Understand that the person is sensitive and their “self” is hurt
• Pray for the person’s peace
• Love yourself – If you do, you will not allow anyone’s words to affect you.

Loving yourself – how do we do it? We always think that someone else should love us, is it not?
Well, try this - Sit with yourself for sometime every day, learn something creative, and thank every part of yourself that does the chores you mind asks it to.
Loving yourself will make you spread it to others.
Remember, that with time and love, things can change, people can turn around, the people you thought are bad will slowly transform to good.
Meditate every morning – for 10 mins. Be with yourself, look into your thoughts, look forward to the happenings expected that day and place a positive note to every happening – with a smile 😊

Your sensitivity and how it affects you
If you are –
Very sensitive - a smallest trigger shakes you up
Moderately sensitive  -  a smallest trigger shakes you up to a certain extent
Not sensitive - any trigger, big or small, makes you pray for the person responsible for the trigger. I loved this 😊

Jealousy and comparison
Are you jealous of other’s kids?
Do you compare your kids with other’s?
Don’t be jealous, be with the success of other’s kids, be with the happiness of the neighbor’s family celebrating their kid’s success.
The happiness you spread around is sure to come back to you! 😊

I loved writing this and I would love to write more.

Trying to live Meera's magical words,

1 comment:

Unknown said...
